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This game was really good and well made it was spooky and some of the noises had me jumping it also sent chills down my spine anyways great work and cant wait to see what else you create!

Great Job
(1 edit)

Excellent work James! I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!

I had a LOT of fun playing this!  Thanks for making us all a fun game to play!!!

Fun little title! The final sequence definitely frustrated me for a little bit with how the AI would Path, but beyond that it did what it needed and it did it well. Nice little game jam title. :)

I'm glad to hear you liked it even with its flaws. The enemy should in theory pick a location far from where it is leading it to move around the house more so I think you may have just got really unlucky. And I have to say its funny to me that there are a couple of spooks in the game that people completely miss. I guess it just need a little more work.

THE FACE IN THE STATIC: Tienes la tarea de reparar unos televisores antiguos antes de venderlos, pero se desatará un auténtico infierno... Muchas gracias por crear el juego, me ha parecido muy bueno.


Nice great game well done keep it up!

Thanks for checking it out.